
At The Redstart Primary School our curriculum intent is to provide our children with a broad and balanced curriculum which includes memorable moments and builds on their previous learning. We have developed our curriculum using the National Curriculum as a base point and building on it through rich experiences designed to enhance vocabulary, build curiosity and engage children with the enthusiasm to learn. We have high expectations for all children and plan to equip them with the confidence, knowledge and skills they need for a successful, happy and productive life.

Our curriculum intent has the school's vision statement at its heart:

Excellence, Courage, Compassion and Collaborative Service

These permeate the school ethos and allow our children to develop into well-rounded individuals well prepared for life beyond Redstart.

All national curriculum subjects are taught, including French in Key Stage 2. In addition, all children have regular Forest school sessions. Swimming lessons are taught as part of the PE curriculum. 

Please click here for our curriculum overview for Y1-6. 

Please click on the links for the relevant curriculum statement. Some statements include details of what topics are taught in each subject in each each school year, and other subjects have an additional document with the topics for that subject. Click here to read more about the Primary National Curriculum. 

Art curriculum statement

Art overview

Computing curriculum statement

Computing overview

Geography curriculum statement

PE Forest School Maths History
D and T      

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To find out more please contact the school office. 

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